TMJ disorder is a condition that affects many Americans. But for those who are experiencing jaw pain, it can be difficult to know whether or not they have TMJ disorder. Well today our staff at Family Smile Center, LLC is going to answer some of your basic TMJ disorder questions to better help you know what you may be up against.

What does TMJ stand for?

TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joints. These joints and jaw muscles, located on both sides of your head, work in unison to help open and close your mouth. They also work together when you do things like chew, speak or swallow.

What exactly causes TMJ disorder?

There are wide varieties of TMJ disorder (TMD) causes, some of which include possible dislocation of a disc, arthritis, injury, tooth and jaw misalignment, stress or teeth grinding. Our dentists, Dr. Cha and Dr. Dinh can adequately diagnose your TMD before recommending a treatment.

Is there a difference between TMJ and TMD?

Yes. TMJ refers to the joints located in your jaw, as discussed earlier and TMD refers specifically to the disorder. TMD is an abbreviated name for temporomandibular joint disorder. Any problem that prevents the complex TMJ system of muscles, discs, bones and ligaments from working correctly may result in painful TMD.

Can TMJ disorder be treated?

The good news: TMD can be treated! There are several different treatment options when it comes to TMD, some of which can be done right in the comfort of your own home. Often times, your dentist will recommend a splint or night guard. These are generally plastic mouthpieces that fit over your teeth so they don’t touch. They are placed to help correct your bite by putting them in a more correct position.

Put an end to your jaw pain today; call our office, Family Smile Center, LLC to schedule an appointment with our dentists, Dr. Peter Cha and Dr. Danny Dihn at [phone].